Sunday 29 January 2012

More than 1

So I was just looking at this video, from a Gershom Allen. Regarding people (whether it be male or female) with more than one partner and it struck me that i was to do a blog about this ages ago. So lets get into it. Gonna tackle a few things so his one may be a bit lengthy (short for others). Suggest you grab your reading glasses and kick back.

1 - Someone who knowingly go for someone who already have a partner

2 - People who are with someone and seek outside.

3 - A little tip

First let me target those that go after those knowing they in a prior engagement. I must say this is quite interesting because of certain things i hear while they are in these situations. Do pardon me if my blog may sound a bit one sided, but I have only actually heard the followings from females.

a) "He says that he's gonna leave her for me, so I'm just waiting" - Really now? What are you, 5? I swear every time i hear this i get this sudden urge to smack the person. If someone was gonna leave there significant other, more than likely it would be done way before you jumped into the picture. Dude probably just needs a break from the one he loves and you just happened to pop up with the 'i like you' line. They lead you on with false hopes and lies about leaving the one they love to be with you. This isn't a movie where it could be of some reality. Chances are eventually he'll get tired of you and move on to either the next brainless female, or stick to the one that's stuck around through good and bad times.

b) (And this one still annoys the living life out of me) "Once me a get me piece from he me all right. If she want to watch while me getting some a she business that" - WTF!? Now I may not be the most respectable person on the planet but can someone tell me what happened to self respect and worth? Gone are the days now when females would want a serious investment from a male. With investment here not meaning money, but inputting time and dedication, into showing a female that you are genuinely interested. Now as sad as it may be, no worth is placed into many relationships and in turn is causing statements like that said above. And then in turn proud to call this guy her man. Well if any of you females are reading this, and are like said statement. Good Luck! Sharing is caring i guess huh?

Now for those who are with someone, and go out to look someone else. You absolutely disgust me! Male or female this is just total crap and makes no sense. You have your significant other at home, yet one goes out to seek further companionship. Emotions for your partner at home and work totally through the door. Are you just that heartless that you disregard everything the loved one puts in. And in turn when found out you beg and beg for them not to leave. What is the point? Rather than the emotions all over the place, do one of two things. If its not working, simply say rather than hurt the one your with. And two, if found out, do save yourself some dignity and not beg the person to stay. But in reality no good can come from it. So just do it the nice way.

Finally my little tip for those reading. Simple thing I picked up in my escapades. How to pick up on a liar. Ask a simple question. "So babe, where were you tonight?". If his/her's first response is 'huh?' 'what?' 'excuse me?'. You need to put that person on check. In that split second where they use those words, they would be able to give you the most epic lie you could probably have heard in your life. Keep them in line and make sure you know near all of their moves. Just my little help.

But anyway, this is just my twenty-five cents on the whole more than one partner situation. Some may agree, others may not. Its opinion. And we do all know what people say opinions are like. But hey, guessing I should of said at the starting what's in the picture below. Oh well.

Have a wonderful and good day.

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