Monday 26 September 2011

The Retarded Look On Things

So life as a regular on Montserrat. Birds are chirping. Big trucks with rocks passing. Loud cars with no speed moving (annoys me to the fullest really). Wonderful day really with the sun shining and I'm at work. Bad day to be indoors but the look of outside was amazing. I get up to take a walk around the compound and low and behold I overhear a conversation with two females. Both speaking about Saturday night's Youth Vibes show.

For those of you overseas Youth Vibes is a show put on by (well of course) some youth on island. The show is mediocre at best, there is no structure and everyone tries to speak at the same time, but at least I can see they are trying to make a bit of a change compared to the regular "dead" radio we normally listen to. here's what was said.

Woman #1 : Do you actually believe those children on Saturday with their conversation?
Woman #2 : I'm sorry no. What did they talk about?
Woman #1 : Well. They on there with a whole bag o story about relationships and how to just have sex with one person to another. You can't be talking about some things like that. What if some young person was listening and thought that was how they are to live life.
Woman #2 : You right. Someone should take them off the air immediately!
Woman #1 : I don't know what they are going to do, but if they have another topic like that I will surely not be listening. I even called one of them to tell them what an awful job they did with picking that topic. They don't older people would be listening and not appreciate hearing certain things?

Like really? You called one of them at home? Bitch move, but I'll holla at that later

By this time now my mind is racing. Like were we really listening to the same show. These people do have selective hearing don't they

First off. What is wrong about speaking towards relationships. If you actually loved and valued your child one of the first things you would speak to them about is relationships when the come to age to even start feeling some sort of sexual feeling. Even if it does have in a hint of sex in it you speak to them about it so they could understand rather than them to go experiment with it them self and end up in some sort of predicament. I rather sit my kid down and talk to them to make sure they understand what is happening to them so they know how to approach it.

So looking at this a singer is allowed to sing a song, tearing apart everyone in power on the island from radio djs to politicians (do we really need to know which politician lost his wife cause a lack in sex drive, or the dj who owe people money), but to simply talk about relationships, that shit is worst than killing someone. Seems like a bit of a two faced society around this place.

Some of you here wish to believe that your child/children aren't doing anything out of the way. Well pin a rose on your nose. This Sir/Madam is your ignorant sanctuary and do let God bless you for living in it. Seen it time and time again. Parent who refuse to believe that their children are in something, they are the ones being treated worse than slaves back in slavery times and sneaking about more than a prostitute who doesn't have any money for her Pimp. Do open your eyes and speak to your children.

Secondly now. Take them off of the radio? For speaking about an everyday topic. Relationships? Why don't you just do them like Kunta Kinte and chop off their leg. You basically wish to ban them because they expressed individuality and spoke their minds. Be it as it is a government radio station. What was said wasn't out of the way to merit a ban (if said does happen). Didn't even merit enough to bring up discussion. But then the society's has a retarded look on things (being the older generation really). Do remember sooner or later you will be out of the system, retired, and have died. So cut them some slack old timer, they ain't out of place,  your just way past your time.

And you know something. I used to be all for this whole "back to Montserrat movement", but now when I do listen to the ones in power talk, I'm telling those young people abroad. STAY AWAY FROM HERE!!! I swear it hit me like a damn ton of bricks.

Young people here are soo limited (if there are any) in the endeavours they are allowed to carry out which in turn hurts one reason for wanting to be here.  Its like to say if I have a cat and I refuse to feed it, but in turn my neighbour puts our food every morning and afternoon for it to eat. Of course the cat is going to eventually set up permanent residence at my neighbours house because I'm not doing anything at all that could feed my cat.

If those higher up don't make some sort of move to at least help the youth of the island, I dare say that this island would be anally screwed in years to come. You don't understand y slowly young people are leaving and outsiders are filling up the island (no offence to foreigners, I like you all the same), you will soon find out. The lack of nearly everything and the frowning on other things slowly runs the youth. You may not want to listen but CHANGE is a good thing, if not expected out of here faster than someone trying to kill us and we are running away.

And to the female. The one human on Montserrat with her dinosaur looking ridden face. The oestrogen filled person that looks like they have a stick and two balls. That decided to call one of the youth members at their house to complain. I just think you were a bit insecure with yourself and didn't want to be embarrassed on air. Even though they are children on air. They would probably eat you alive and make you sit in a corner with your dunce cap on.

Finally just to add that all of this may cause a bit of "hooplah" in the community. But you know what? Its too quiet. And you know what else? I really don't give a damn! (echo goes there)

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