Wednesday 28 September 2011

Your probably not the only one.

So addressing this whole relationship topic which has caused a whole lot of (and if you read my last post) "hooplah" around the island, I think it's only just and fair that I give my views as well. I'm going to be dealing with how the public interpreted it and just tear some illusions. I advise you this post is not for the faint of heart and I beg you, don't cry if you realise that you are living this way. So people, strap in your seat belts, and lets take a ride.

Basically it was said that the Montserrat (well I believe it should be Caribbean) view on relationships is that a man is allowed to have more than one woman while not being penalised but if a woman was to try such a stunt they would be labelled as whores in turn causing ones reputation to go down the tube. It was also brought up about women who knew about the man having a woman before that they should show respect and leave them in all happiness. Finally it was about men leaving to go to something "better".

First thing on a man is allowed to have more than one woman. Let me first make one thing clear. The society doesn't allow a man to have more than one woman. It just so happens that that shit started waaaaaaay back. And now I'm talking about since back in Africa, and I'm sure if you do happen to look at Africa right now, men are still in polygamous relationships. Now don't take me wrong. I'm not saying that that is correct, but do you really think a little bit of slavery from the white (no offence to white people, I do find a lot of you quite beautiful) man is going to cut that crap out. Most of them are going to want to roam the island, singing like Jay Z, saying "Girls, Girls, Girls, Girls. Girls I do adore". Men are always going to want to explore and find new things. Stick a pin here. Will unpin it later.

Women also need to know that there is not any problem with seeing more than one person. I think the Americans call it "Dating". Wait no, I'm not allowed to use this word in the islands am I. This would be the cause of total anarchy if a woman was to date 4 men because she's not sure who she wants to be with, because obviously once she goes out with John one night and Joe the next, they must obviously be getting a slice of that cake with their knives (maybe not at the same time). They of course can't be going out for dinner to, and dare I say it, try to get to know each other. That shit is just absurd.

Now you know what I'm wondering about. Why don't adults just come out and speak to everyone on such an issue. I'm sure if they had proper knowledge about dating and relationships things here would be a lot easier and a lot of crap that's going on wouldn't be happening. Like say, I don't know, less teens becoming pregnant every so often. But you know what. Lets scrap that for now. And leave it for a future post. Can't give everything one time. Need to bring you back.

Now here's where I get all honest (but mean) with all of the bitches I hear around my workplace and those that are even reading complaining about their men cheating on them, and darling, if you are living like this, i do feel sorry for you.

If you have a problem with your man seeing more than one person. Whether he tells you beforehand or you happen to find out on your own. Why the fuck are you still with him?

A lot of women on the island tend to believe one of three things. These being :

1 - The man is a no good dog and I shouldn't trust men any more but still here you wont leave him alone.
2 - The female/females that the man  is seeing along with them don't know their place, and are doing it to break up a happy family.
3 - Something is wrong with me if I happen to run my man to someone else so I need to change to what she is.

First off chicken head, if your man is a no good dog why are you still hanging around. Most likely shit ain't going to change. Get some guts and tell that guy to leave. And Mean It! More than likely it would lead to one of two reactions. He would either get a revolution and change his ways one time, or pack up and leave (or you leave. If you are living in your house). Only reason I see for you to really stay is if (as I said) if you are living with him, and you ain't got shit where else to go. That's when you stick that crap out, when you need something.

Females who think like #2, then dear, I have nothing more to say to you than (and I hope this hurts as much as I can make sound), AH GUD FU U! While your there worrying about that woman taking your man, your allowing your man to go out, interact with said female, and basically allowing her to take him if her game is good enough. You basically put your arms to your side in a fight and ALLOWED that girl to prance in with her 4 inch heels on, short dress and make-up so sexy it'll probably turn you on. Quit worrying about the girl that's trying to take your man, and work to keep him. You know that saying that says "what he won't get from you, he'll get from someone else". Open your eyes retard. It true. So try and quit the whining and pull your damn stockings up. You allowed that shit to happen. Just accept it and move on

And to those insecure females who believe that something is wrong with you and sit and moan about it. If you think about it. Something probably is. You probably are a crazy bird. Figure your shit out and sort it. Figure out how to first accept  yourself for you and live with yourself before you go around saying something is wrong with you and become suicidal. When you do grow to accept and value yourself more and realise hey, guy is missing out on a unique person. And even if you are at the top of the pile, you may just be lacking something he wants. Not everyone is going to like you. Just for you to find out who is for you and don't become a crazy, bitter and psychopathic witch in society.

And for those women here who feel some-sort of way with this shows me one of two things. One would be you upset at life. With no one wanting you. Or your in a state I like to call "denial". Pretty little word isn't it. for those of you with no idea what it means "disbelief in the reality of a thing". This happens when women believe in the existence of the multiple women but what they don't believe is that it has, is, or will ever happen to them. These types of women (may be married or not) need to open their eyes. I'm not saying your man is out doing stuff like what was said but my question to those who haven't done any research. How do you know? You know what? Answer this. Where is your significant other right now? If your answer ain't right next you. Then darling, its time you stop being so God damn naive and turn into Sherlock Holmes and figure some shit out. I could tell you right here in this blog that the sky is blue. But until you go outside, and turn your head in the upwards position, and see for your damn self that the sky is blue, how would you know. And for those who do know, complain, and don't leave, I wish you the best boo. Only someone that's either in love or stupid could do such. So sad I'm thinking your more stupid than in love.

Final ending word ladies, you really have no one to blame but yourself about your choice of living with that sort of relationship. People would want to say that men are just instinctively like that but then again, although their aren't many, there are many successful marriages in the society right now and if you do check, most of them understand the whole dating and relationship thing, and probably knew so from a young age. Instead of criticizing everyone just looking towards your knowledge and try to figure it out on your own. And when you do you'll understand everything soo much better.

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