Monday 26 September 2011

To the people who would be reading, this is your greeting

So of course, this is my first post, with many, and I mean many, more to come. Looking back at that sentence there was a whole bunch of commas but then its whatever. Not like I'm doing an exam or anything. But down to the point I, along with a number of people will be posting now and in the future on things going on, with my first serious post coming in a few hours.

We here have no reason to hold our tongue. We have been seeing a lot of shit going on over the years and we here think that the shit has finally hit the fan and it even looks as if certain people on the island expect everyone to take that same fan hitting shit, and eat it with a knife and fork. 
So if they wish to serve shit to everyone by all means, do serve your shit. But when shit comes  back to haunt you (if you are a culprit), I do suggest you run and hide, because it clearly wont be some beautiful shit.
This blog is meant solely to bring to light things the general public refuses to talk about due to their sanctuary of their own ignorance into believing certain things isn't happening and to also post any opinions on mistreatment of people.

There will not be any name callings, but references will be made and if the cap fits, then by all means wear your hat cowboy. 

So people, do stay tuned, as later tonight the first serious post will be up and I do hope we here at Narrow Minded Montserrat will have you reading our posts. Good Day

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